
Healthy Refreshing Beverages for Summer


Summer is here and it’s time to get outside and enjoy the sunshine! Whether you’re lounging in a hammock or staying active in the sun, it’s important to keep your body hydrated with fluids. The heat can make us perspire and dehydrate quickly, so it’s always good to have a beverage on hand. The good news is that you don’t need to veer off your diet regimen in order to indulge in a thirst-quenching treat! Here are some healthy and refreshing beverages you can enjoy this summer!

Fruit-Infused Water

Drinking water is just plain good for you! But many people prefer to have flavored beverages over filtered or tap water. A great compromise is to infuse your water with fruit! To do so, just pick a fruit or vegetable of your choice – cucumbers, strawberries, watermelon and mint leaves all make a great choice! Muddle the fruit in a glass or pitcher and then add water and let it sit in the fridge for 2-3 hours. Then enjoy! You can strain it over ice or drink it with the fruit. It’s a great beverage for hydrating after a workout or to enjoy with a meal.

Iced Tea

is also a delicious and refreshing beverage for summertime! You can make iced tea from black tea, green tea or herbal tea like chamomile or jasmine. To do so, pour four cups of boiling water over two tea bags in a pitcher and leave for three to five minutes. Then remove the tea bags and stir in six cups of ice cubes. Wait for them to melt and voila! You have a perfect batch of iced tea. Get into the habit of having iced tea when you wake up – it’s more hydrating than coffee and will help you feel great!

Sparkling Lemonade

Sometimes you want something sparkly to cool off on a hot summer day! Sparkling lemonade is the perfect mix of hydrating water and an effervescent zing! Just mix a can of seltzer water with some fresh squeezed lemon juice for a delightful summer refresher.

How to Sweeten Beverages

Sugar is not a healthy way to sweeten your beverages as it doesn’t have any nutritional value and is hard for the body to break down. It’s best to enjoy unsweetened beverages, but if you have a serious sweet tooth, there are other ways you can doctor up your drinks. is a natural alternative to sugar that will give your beverages a sweet kick without adding in all the extra calories. Give it a try!

These healthy beverages can help you feel and look your best this summer! If you need a partner in weight loss, reach out to Bee Healthy Clinics! We are here to help.

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