
How to Snack Healthy this Summer

The hot summer days are here along with barbecues, days at the beach (or pool), and the occasional picnic. And all of these events bring ample opportunities to snack on delicious treats. Of course, as any dieter knows, snacking can prove to be the Achilles' heel to any health conscious individual trying to keep their calories and macros within a certain balanced range. What do we do?  Do we just deny all our cravings as...

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| Food

5 Tips for Easy Meal Prep

Today’s dieter has many options. There’s the Atkins diet, the Zone diet, the Ketogenic diet (we know keto!), the South Beach, raw food, and vegan diets. And then there are tweaked versions of all these options.  Whether the diet you choose is low carb, high carb, or somewhere-in-the-middle carb, one principle holds true with all… You need to stick with them so they prove effective. In some cases, the strictness of the diet is “non-negotiable,”...

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| Food, Nutrition

6 Tips for Returning to a Post-Pandemic Gym

As we approach the midway mark of 2021, despite COVID’s best efforts, we are seeing a reduction in cases and more and more states opening back up. This means no more occupancy limits (or less restrictions, at least), less required space for social distancing, the return of indoor activities like dining and sporting events, and more.  But make no mistake...  We are not returning to what was “normal,” rather we are beginning a “new normal.”...

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| Tips

Healthy Dieting Means a Lifestyle Change

Often when someone talks about losing weight and improving their overall health, the word that gets thrown around the most is “diet.”  I need to lose weight… I’m starting my diet next week.I need to get healthier… better get on a diet.My doctor said I need to watch my diet. You get the point. And while diet is certainly very important to your overall health profile, the truth is that many people treat dieting as...

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| Nutrition, Tips

5 Tips for Shifting Seasonal Gears in Your Exercise Routine

Now that weather is getting warmer and more enjoyable, we are presented with many more options for staying in shape. No more being restricted to mostly indoor activities! However, shifting your workouts from a winter-focused routine to something more spring-friendly means you may have to make a few changes to your fitness lifestyle and repertoire. Here are five considerations you should make before jumping into your new spring and summer regimen. 1. Assess your footwear...

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| Tips