
How to Keep Yourself Accountable

Losing weight is a priority in many people's lives for a variety of reasons. Some people are concerned about being overweight because of increased risk of health issues while others want to shed a few pounds to look and feel their best. Whatever your weight loss goals are, it's important to keep yourself accountable! It's hard to accomplish any goal on your own and it always helps to track your progress and have other people...

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| Tips

Incorporating Fitness Into A Busy Schedule

Fitness is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but sometimes it can be hard to find the time to fit it in. Any time you can get up and move is the best time to work out. It doesn't matter if it's in the morning, middle of the day or at night. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends these exercise guidelines: Get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of...

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| Tips

Getting Healthy as a Family

The obesity crisis in America is not limited to adults. Children and teens struggle with weight issues. Currently, over 32 percent of children are overweight or obese. Further, if you look around the kitchen table one evening and realize that your whole family needs to lose weight, you aren't alone. The 2015 report released by the Trust for America's Health and the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation indicates that 69 percent of adults and 32 percent...

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| News, Tips, Weight Loss

Insider Secrets: Do You Think Like an Athlete?

What does it mean to “think like an athlete”? For me, thinking like an athlete is about being focused on your goals.  As well as being a former professional sprinter, I’m from a family of athletes, and I married an athlete, so I know a little something about what makes athletes tick. Athletes think differently. By focusing on the end result, I think athletes are better able to prioritize and we really can apply that...

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| Tips

Be Happier: 4 Life-Changing Reasons to Get Active

There are literally hundreds of reasons why being active is beneficial.  Exercise is good for your body, your mind and for your social life. Here are four reasons that I believe will inspire you to get up and get healthy. Once you’ve read through, I know you’ll join me and become a happier, healthier you. 1.  Reduced stress Most of our lives are filled with stress of some sort, whether it’s lack of time, financial...

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| Tips, Weight Loss