
How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are coming up and they each have their own food temptations. Halloween brings candy galore, Thanksgiving is a carb-loaded wonderland, and Christmas combines them both! Eating healthy during these celebrations is challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are five methods that you can use to ensure that rich holiday foods aren't derailing you from your health goals. Learn Ideal Portion Sizes Weigh out the portions that you're currently eating so you get a visual...

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| Food, Nutrition, Tips

5 Tips to Keep Yourself Active

Between work, commuting, running errands, taking care of family and sleeping, it might feel like you only have about 10 minutes of free time every week. No wonder it's so hard to fit in time for exercise! Because you can't add any more hours to the day, the easiest way to get more physical activity is to make some simple tweaks to your normal workday routine. Try them out for yourself! Find an Exercise Buddy...

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How to Eat Healthy Anywhere

Many unhealthy food temptations surround us all, from college students in cafeterias to busy business people faced with fast food and takeout options. However, we can overcome these challenges - and you can eat healthy food anywhere when you're equipped with the right strategies. Bring Your Own Lunch You have the ultimate control over your food choices when you pack your own lunch. Healthy ingredients and preparation choices set you up for healthy eating success,...

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| Food, Tips

4 Best Exercises for Summer

Any time of the year is a good time to think about getting in shape! But when summer rolls around, people are even more excited about moving their bodies and getting toned and fit. When the weather is bright and sunny, it’s a great excuse to find pool-related activities, outdoor strengthening exercises or poses you can stretch into inside in the AC! Before you dive into a workout, however, remember to always warm-up beforehand so...

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How to Develop Mindful Eating Habits

Keeping up with a modern, fast-paced lifestyle can leave little time for listening to your body. When we move so quickly from one thing to the next we often don’t give ourselves a chance to listen to what our bodies really need or are craving. Mindfulness can help you become aware of those needs - and when it is applied to eating, you can recognize your patterns and behaviors to eat with awareness and enjoyment. According to...

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