
4 Ways to Curb Mindless Eating

Does this scenario sound familiar? It’s 9 pm on a Friday night. You are watching TV. As you sit there absorbing the mindless entertainment, you feel the almost undeniable call of your refrigerator. The one beckoning you to grab some snacks and stuff your face as you sprawl out on the couch. You aren’t hungry, though, you think. Or are you? whispers the refrigerator. Your stomach is not growling? You don’t feel faint? Yet the...

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| Food, Tips

Gym Safety in the Time of COVID-19

Well, here is some good news… we think. After months of isolation during this COVID crisis, many states are finally starting to open up and ease restrictions.  For some, this may seem a little scary.  But for many, this signals the start of returning to life as normal (or at the very least, more normal than the last 60 days).  It also means that for those of you who’ve been missing the gym, you may...

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| News, Tips

What Kind of Exercise Gear Do I Need to Start Exercising?

During the past few months, most of us have been stuck at home with excess time and little to do other than binge another Netflix show. Unfortunately, staring at the television doesn't do any favors for your waistline or overall health. The bright side of having all this time to kill is that we can use it to actually improve our health and fitness levels - we have ample opportunity to exercise, after all. But,...

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| Tips

A Beginner’s Guide to Weight Maintenance

If you are like many people who’ve shed a few pounds by starting a diet and working out, when you reach your target weight, the obvious question is this:  NOW WHAT? Let’s be honest, if your goal was to lose 15 pounds, and now you’ve done it, you can’t keep doing the same thing or eventually you will waste away to nothing. On the other hand, you can’t just halt these healthy practices you’ve incorporated...

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| Tips, Weight Loss

5 Healthy Living Podcasts to Follow in 2020

When you hear someone talking about healthy living what comes to mind? Weight loss? Exercise? Clean eating? Brain balance?  How about all the above? The concept of optimal health is holistic and factors into all these topics, plus many more. But how do you get the best information without having to sift through 100s of 1,000s of blog posts, books, and podcasts?  With that question in mind, we want to recommend 5 impactful podcasts that...

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| News, Tips