
Pantry Spring Cleaning for Health

The springtime is the best time to reset and encourage healthy eating habits to support your weight loss and fitness goals. And if you're trying to become healthy and fit, you need to have a plan to clean out your pantry. Luckily, springtime makes it an ideal time to clear out foods and beverages that just don't belong in your healthy pantry. Here's your quick guide to pantry spring cleaning: 1. Step Back and Assess...

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| Food, Tips

Your Keto Guide to Eating Out

So, you're doing the keto diet -- and you feel great! Then you run into a bit of a problem: eating out. Like many people who are making healthy eating choices, you don't know what to order from the menu. Thankfully, you can keep up your social life and your keto diet regimen by following these easy tips. Skip the Starch You know rice is a no-no. But on keto, you want to avoid grains...

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| Food

Keto-Friendly Holiday Foods

Although the holiday season is upon us, it’s no excuse to totally ruin your fitness progress. And while it may feel difficult to enjoy the holidays while sticking to your keto diet, it will be much more difficult to get back on track after the new year. That said, there’s still plenty of enjoyment to be had this holiday season and eating keto-friendly foods still means treats. Take a look at the following keto-friendly holiday...

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| Food

How to Eat Healthy During the Holidays

The holidays are coming up and they each have their own food temptations. Halloween brings candy galore, Thanksgiving is a carb-loaded wonderland, and Christmas combines them both! Eating healthy during these celebrations is challenging, but it's not impossible. Here are five methods that you can use to ensure that rich holiday foods aren't derailing you from your health goals. Learn Ideal Portion Sizes Weigh out the portions that you're currently eating so you get a visual...

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| Food, Nutrition, Tips

How to Eat Healthy Anywhere

Many unhealthy food temptations surround us all, from college students in cafeterias to busy business people faced with fast food and takeout options. However, we can overcome these challenges - and you can eat healthy food anywhere when you're equipped with the right strategies. Bring Your Own Lunch You have the ultimate control over your food choices when you pack your own lunch. Healthy ingredients and preparation choices set you up for healthy eating success,...

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| Food, Tips